Monday, April 20, 2020

Room 17: Term 2: Day 5: Tuesday 21 April

Max Morris

Has been learning how to bake all sorts of yummy things like pancakes and feijoa crumble. Here are some pictures of him baking fossil cookies.


And her older sister have shared this amazing dance routine with us. That must have taken a lot of hard work and practice to learn those moves!


Pokemon collection is growing. Great work collecting and colouring them, they are looking really cool. Angus' favourite is Lycanroc. Do you know which Pokemon is Lycanroc?


Put together 3 Frozen puzzles, I wonder how many piece there were altogether?


Was inspired by Gunreet's marble masterpiece that she decided to try and make one herself!


And his sister got creative over the long Easter weekend and sent in a picture of his Easter egg as well as a picture of the Green Man face mask he made (the bunny is sitting inside the mask). Very cool!


Has been learning fractions with her parents. The measuring cups are a great idea to show that fractions are equal parts of 1 whole! How many quarter or 1 fourth (1/4) cups does it take to make 1 whole cup? 


  1. Love the dance routine girls and the baking Max - you'll be a Master baker by the time we get back to school!

  2. Max, those cookies look restaurant-worthy! Samantha, that is quite some choreography. I'm sure it was as fun to dance as it was to watch! Elsy, those puzzles must have taken a lot of perseverance! I find puzzles frustrating and really satisfying in the end. Louis, the mask and bunny are gorgeous; I love the nature aesthetic! Did you gather the materials yourself?
