This was a lovely way to start the term, thank you Isla!! I'm pleased you're having a great week. I have been quite busy today and am looking forward to doing some baking later on!

Elijah has really enjoyed the home learning. We have started reading 10 pages a day out of a Dr Seuss book and this week it is "one fish two fish.."
We have worked on multiplication and division and have done 2,3 & 4 so far using easter eggs to form groups.
Eli is doing great at his sentences of affirmation and we have just started to understand verbs and adjectives.
Elijah also opened up a restaurant at home and served spaghetti and warm pudding for desert.

Another lovely letter...thanks Amara. I am missing all of you a lot too!!!
I love your letter Cindy, that is sad about the mice.
Cindy has done some number of the day - this was over the holidays where she did a bit of homework. She has added in the extra for experts for this term time, so she can build it out. She likes playing around with the numbers and trying to work them out.

Baking has been a focus at her house as she is working towards her baking badge for Brownies...YUM they look delicious!!!

Hi Louise this is my school work...
- I made a viking helmet for my cat Mo out of cardboard and paper.
- I read about the Romans. Did you know that Roman men have baths only once in nine days?
- My number of the day was 12.
I've had a good day!
Charlie you have ha a great day. I have to say I am very pleased I wasn't around in Roman times, it would have been a bit stinky!!!
Math with Easter eggs! What a treat, Elijah!