Monday, April 27, 2020

Room 13 Tuesday 28th April

Maggie made some mandalas out of bangles she has at home. The colours are beautiful! Very creative Maggie, well done. :)


Sahishnu has been busy in India doing some personal reading:


And look at this vibrant poster he has made for earth day!

Thank you for sharing Sahishnu! We all miss you and are excited to see you again! :)


Daniel spent his ANZAC weekend creating lovely Anzac biscuits and Poppies to put in the window for others to see. A really lovely idea to acknowledge ANZAC day while still in lock down. 

He also made this colourful Mandala!

Daniel also wrote out James K. Baxter's 'The Big Black Whale' poem, look at his cool Whale illustration!


  1. Wow, those mandalas look so peaceful to make and are very grounding to look at! Thanks for sharing, Maggie! Sahishnu, that's a really inspiring poster for Earth Day! Daniel, you've up to a lot of creative arts too. Tino pai, Room 13!

  2. Loving the creativity and thoughtfulness you are showing, Room 13!
