Sunday, May 10, 2020

Rm 14 Rāhina/Monday 11 May

Isla went for a sunrise walk on Mt Eden with her mum this morning! What a beautiful sight!

Nina has been busy with a story dice story and heaps of maths! She figured out something pretty cool about the four digits: 

“The biggest number has to go first and the smallest last. Otherwise if we jumbled up it might be 7 thousand and something and 9 thousand and anything is higher.  So we had to put the biggest number first and the smallest number last for the biggest number. And then the other way round for the smallest number." 



Lucas has shared what he is grateful for today. Noticing what you are grateful for is so uplifting, isn't it? Scientific studies have shown us that taking even a few minutes to do this each day helps us feel more positive all around 🙂 That's why we have gratitude circles in class. I often write what I'm grateful for in my journal, too. Thanks for sharing your gratitude practice, Lucas! 


Abbey wrote a magical story and explained her thinking in maths!

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