Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Home Learning from Room 15 Day #1

Zach completing the four fours math investigation: 
He has started this challenge off by using the number four as many or as little times as he can to get the answers 1 - 20. He could chose to use what ever operations (plus, takeaway, times, divide) that worked for him. 
His next challenge could be to limit the fours that he uses to only four fours. 
If he wants to try another challenge he could limit himself to only using three fours. Maybe even two fours! That would be a challenge for sure!
You could take on these challenges too and send it through to your teacher to put on the blog. 

Thanks for sharing your learning Zach!


Aaraiz making his own hand sanitiser and writing a positive affirmation to share with others.


"My challenges make me grow"

This is the picture that he has picked to go along with his positive affirmation.


  1. Great work Zach - I like this investigation too. Not sure I ever got to the full 20 though...I din't persist enough! Let us know if you try the other challenge!

  2. nice work Zach....time for some lunch or house chores??????? Set the table in under 4 minutes!
    You deserve a break.

  3. Great effort Zach. Some sharp mathematical thinking.

  4. Great start to home learning Zach, very impressive!!!

  5. Awesome, Zach. I can tell how hard you were working and that you really persisted! I look forward to seeing what you work out next. ~Madeleine

  6. Love the affirmation Aaraiz! From Leo
